We do not censure our followers from expressing their own opinions or views. However, content which is shared/posted via our Twitter/Facebook/ feed, which we consider inappropriate will be removed.
This is NOT designed to –
- censure followers from expressing their opinions
- correct grammatical or spelling errors in comments, except where such errors detract from the intended meaning of the comment
Postings which we consider inappropriate are as follows –
- are considered likely to provoke, attack or offend others
- are racist, sexist, homophobic, sexually explicit, abusive or otherwise objectionable
- contain swear words or other language likely to offend
- break the law or condone or encourage unlawful activity
- are seen to impersonate someone else
- describe or encourage activities which could endanger the safety or well-being of others
- are posted anonymously
Unsuitable Links –
We are happy for our followers to post links to external sites if relevant to our business. A web page is classed as unsuitable if it contains, or directly links to, material which is:
Offensive –
- pornography & sexually explicit content
- text & images likely to offend most people
- hate sites (on grounds of race, religion, gender or sexual orientation)
- gratuitous violence
Unlawful –
- condones or encourages unlawful acts
breaches copyright law or encourage others to do sodefamatory and/or in contempt of courthacking or other technical disruption to online services
Presents access or safety problems –
- pay-to-view or other subscription sites
- Aged 18+ sites (eg: gambling)
As stated above, if posts/links are published on any of our social media feeds, which we consider inappropriate. We reserve the right to remove the post. If the follower continues to post inappropriate content, they will be blocked from our feeds and reported appropriately.